This information has the purpose to describe the ways of management of the website in reference to the treatment of the Cookies of the visitors who consults it. This is an information that is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data)

What cookies are:

Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same websites at the next visit of the same user. During the navigation on a website, the user can also receive cookies on their terminal that are sent from different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), on which some elements may exist (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) on the site that the same is visiting.

Cookies, usually present in users’ browsers in very large numbers and sometimes even with long temporal persistence, are used for different purposes: execution of computer authentication, monitoring of sessions, storage of information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, etc.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)

Personal data are any informations that, directly or indirectly, also in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a physical person identified or identifiable.

Data of use

This information is collected automatically by this Website (even from third party applications that may be integrated into this Website), including: IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User that connects to this Website, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation, the time of the request, the method used in forwarding the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (good order, error, etc.) the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and the operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (for example the time spent on each page) and the details of the itinerary followed within the Application , with particular reference to the sequence of pages consulted, to the parameters related to the operating system and the IT environment body.


The person who uses this Website that, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the interested party.


The person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Processor (Manager)

The natural person, legal person, public administration and any other entity that processes personal data on behalf of the Holder, as set out in the privacy policy.

Data Controller

The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the tools adopted, including the security measures related to the operation and use of this Website. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Website.

This Website (this Application)

The hardware or software tool by which the Personal Data of Users are collected and processed.


The Service provided by this Website as defined in the relevant terms (if any) on this website / application.

European Union (EU)

Unless otherwise specified, any reference to the European Union contained in this document shall be extended to all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Legal references

The privacy policy is drawn up on the basis of multiple legislative systems, including articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Unless otherwise specified, this privacy statement applies exclusively to this Website.

Type of cookies

Technical cookies:

The so-called technical cookies are used for navigation and to facilitate access and use of the site by the user.

They can be divided into navigation or session cookies and guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website.

These cookies are needed to view the website correctly and to facilitate access and use of the website by the user; they will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings in his browser.

This site uses only technical cookies.

Analysis cookies (Analytics – Statistics)

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses Personal Data, collected anonymously on this site, for the purpose of evaluating the use of this Website, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use Personal Data, collected anonymously on this site to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

Profiling cookies

These are permanent cookies used to identify (anonymously) user preferences and to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Website.

This site does not use Profiling Cookies.

Third party cookies

By visiting a website you may receive cookies from both the visited site (“owners”) and from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”). A notable example is the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. These are parts of the page visited generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on social networks. The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties. All these cookies can be removed directly from the browser settings.
In the latter case some services of the site may not work as expected and may not be able to access or even no longer having the associated cookie lose user preferences, so the information would be displayed in the wrong local form or may not be available.

This site does not use its own or third-party profiling cookies.

Optionally, profiling cookies are exclusively controlled by third parties such as Google, Facebook or Twitter.

How can I express consent to the installation of cookies?


In addition to what is indicated in this document, the User can manage preferences related to cookies directly within his browser and prevent – for example – that third parties can install. By the preferences of the browser it is also possible to delete the cookies installed in the past, including the cookie in which the consent to the installation of cookies by this site is eventually saved.

A navigation without the use of technical and profiling cookies is possible with what is called incognito browsing and that it is available in all the main browsers.

  1. More information on disabling cookies on Firefox, in inglese.
  2. Learn more about disabling cookies on Chrome, in inglese
  3. More information on disabling cookies on Internet Explorer, in inglese
  4. More information on disabling cookies on Safari , in inglese
  5. More information on disabling cookies on Opera, in inglese.

The User can also manage his own settings and revoke the consent by visiting the relative opt-out link (if available if necessary for the type of Cookies used), using the tools described in the privacy policy of the third party or by contacting it directly.

This page is visible by links in all the pages of the Site. For further information visit the page of the Data Protection Authority (also called in Italty “Privacy Guarantor”):  http://www.garanteprivacy.it/cookie

Data Holder

Pegoraro Energia S.r.l. Via Marconi, 112 31050 – Vedelago, TV Italy

Email address of the Holder: pegorarogiorgio@tin.it

For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this statement, contact the Holder at the following email: pegorarogiorgio@tin.it

Since the installation of cookies and other tracking systems operated by third parties by the services used within this website can not be technically controlled by the Holder, any specific reference to cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties it is to be considered indicative. To obtain complete information, the User is invited to consult the privacy policy of any third party services listed in this document.

Given the objective complexity of identification of the technologies based on Cookies, the User is invited to contact the Data Controller if he / she wishes to receive any further information regarding the use of the Cookies themselves by this Website.